Monday 30 September 2013

Vanier Park 'Cross

Well the first big storm of the fall hit Vancouver hard this weekend with high winds and loads of rain...and go figure, the Vanier Park Cyclocross race had probably it's biggest turnout ever! Really...what's the point of doing a cross race on a warm sunny day ;-)

I only raced 'cross the final three years of my career and it quickly became my favorite cycling discipline.

I enjoyed it a lot the few times I raced the Vanier circuit. As I'm not into racing myself these days, I was happy to volunteer at the event and snap a few pictures. It was pretty challenging with the rain, but 'cross is a pretty photogenic sport, there were lots of willing subjects, and atmosphere at cross races is always fun to be a part of. It was great also to see so many kids and newbies out here!

My Vanier Park Cyclocross photo album HERE

Welcome to Fall!

Well it's officially Fall. I have to say I am definitely sorry to say goodbye to our (glorious) summer. But as I have now been bit by the nordic ski bug, fall is good as it means winter and snowy trails are coming soon. The past two years my fall-time has been filled with many wonderful day hikes. This is not really anything different from my racing days - I always used to hike a lot at the end of the season. Those hikes, though, were much shorter than what I do now. Cyclist legs don't always enjoy doing a lot of walking!

As when I raced, I am always watching the weather and trying to maximize getting out in good conditions whenever possible. I was checking out the long term forecasts and the only nice days for at least a week looked like this past Wednesday and Thursday. With this in mind I dreamed up a little plan....

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Are the best things in life free?

Good morning North Shore!
Last week in Vancouver turned out to be the hottest one of the summer - or at least we recorded the hottest single day of the year. With the acceptance that summer is coming soon to a close, I was motivated to take advantage of this great weather. Maybe the last of the year?

It's something that's been in the back of my mind for a couple years since reading this comment on the Internet. "Everyone should sleep one night on Unnecessary Mountain".

So on Thursday afternoon Laddie, Daisy Dog and I departed from the Cypress Mountain parking lot down the Howe Sound Crest trail - destination Unnecessary Mountain.